
Students are not permitted to register for classes or confirm enrollment for the term or summer until they have submitted:

  • Upon entry to the college a Labor Enrollment Agreement and an I-9 form;
  • Before the start of a academic year, term, or summer a Status Form - Labor Position Participation Agreement;
  • Towards the end of an academic year a submission of the Labor Experience Evaluation.

This process is monitored through an electronic “hold” system that prevents access to registration or confirmation if business is outstanding. Holds are removed when processes are completed.

NOTE: Some Graduates who have not fulfilled labor hours requirements may also receive a hold on their account until an appropriate number of community service hours (usually an amount equaling the hours shortage) are recorded after graduation. In this case, the hold will prevent the graduate from receiving official transcripts until the hold is removed. The Labor Program Office will maintain the procedure for establishing the community service work.