User Privacy

Unauthorized users are obviously not entitled to privacy within the framework of the College’s Information Technology Resources, but even among authorized users, any violation of this Computer and Network Policy may also suspend the right of privacy. In such instances, an Officer of the College or the Chief Information Officer may, without notice, authorize Information Technology (IT) personnel to access or disable such User accounts or files. Users should also be aware that User accounts, files and information may be disclosed upon subpoena or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

However, all authorized users (members of the College Community and others) are entitled to privacy in all their authorized use of the College’s Information Technology Resources. Each User identity, log-in name, account name, or any other User ID and associated password belongs to an individual, office or department. No one should use a User identity, log-in name, any user ID, or account name and password without explicit permission from the owner thereof. No one should use aliases, nicknames, pointers, or other electronic means to attempt to impersonate, redirect or confuse those who use the network. No one should use aliases, nicknames, pointers, or other electronic means to capture information intended for others without the explicit permission of the intended recipient. In order to protect privacy, each authorized user should accept responsibility for the appropriate use and dissemination of user identity, log-in name, user ID, and account name and password.

Information Technology (IT) personnel have access to files belonging to Users, but this access may be used only when it is essential for the maintenance of a system or the network itself.

*As adopted by the College and General Faculties, April 26, 2001

Revised December 3, 2004 to reflect changes to Information Systems and Services job titles and department structure. As revised by the Administrative Committee, June 15, 2011.

Revised July 1, 2019 to reflect Provost and Dean of Faculty title changes.

Revised July 22, 2024 to reflect the name change from Information Systems and Services to Information Technology.