
Division I Chair: M.R. Garrett


Department Chair: T. Messina


Faculty: T. Hodge, R. Kozlowski, T. Messina, M. Ukashat, M. Veillette, and C. Wilton




Courses: PHY Courses


Course Sequencing Table: Physics


Entrance to the Major Information: Progression for PHY B.A.


Major/Minor Requirements: Physics B.A.; Physics B.A. with Teaching Certification 8-12; Physics Minor

The Physics Department offers a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that is designed to (a) prepare students to enter graduate schools or private industry en route to careers as professional physicists and engineers; (b) provide a liberal arts degree to students who are interested in careers for which a background in physics is advantageous, such as medicine, computer science, and secondary science teaching; and (c) provide service courses for majors in other sciences, including chemistry, pre-medicine, and agriculture. Our courses introduce students to the nature of scientific inquiry, grounded in problem solving that calls on both practical and quantitative reasoning skills. We are committed to the idea that students should have the opportunity to participate directly in faculty-led scientific research as part of their undergraduate curriculum. It is our mission to:

  1. Promote an understanding of and appreciation for the concepts, principles and methods of physics.
  2. reate a supportive academic environment in which students can develop both a fundamental knowledge of physics and the quantitative skills necessary to apply that knowledge.
  3. Provide an opportunity for students to explore the natural world through experimentation and to develop skills in the observation, analysis, and interpretation of experimental data.
  4. Encourage students to participate in significant research and internship experiences both on- and off-campus.
  5. Help students understand the connections between physics and other disciplines and provide opportunities for students to participate in interdisciplinary study.
  6. Help students develop skills in communicating the concepts and principles of physics to a wider audience.

The Physics Department offers two degrees: a B.S. degree in Engineering Physics and a BA degree in Physics.

The BA in Physics provides Berea College students with a rigorous foundation in the fundamental concepts and principles of physics that will prepare them for careers as professional physicists, astronomers, or physics educators.

Engineering Physics combines an in-depth understanding of the principles of physics with engineering problem solving and design, preparing students for careers at the frontiers of engineering.  The Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Physics provides a solid foundation in physics, mathematics, and engineering design that will prepare students for a direct entry into an engineering career or graduate study in engineering. The B.S. in Engineering Physics can also be combined with the dual degree engineering program for students who wish to pursue a more specialized field of engineering. 

In addition to supporting students' achievement of the Aims of General Education, the Physics Department seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated learning outcomes:

Physics Student Learning Goals & Outcomes

SLO #1 (Fundamental Content Knowledge):  Demonstrate working knowledge of fundamental principles, theories, and problems in classical mechanics, special relativity, thermal physics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics.

SLO #2 (Familiarity with Scientific Literature):  Read, analyze, and summarize scientific literature in physics, astronomy, and related disciplines.

SLO #3 (Specific Content Knowledge):  Demonstrate a working knowledge of the fundamental concepts, theories and problems in classical mechanics, thermal physics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics.

SLO #4 (Mathematical Knowledge):  Apply appropriate analytical and computational techniques to model physical systems and formulate solutions to problems, including the mathematics of differential and integral calculus, vector calculus, probability and statistics, linear algebra, and differential equations.

SLO #5 (Physical and Mathematical Intuition):  Employ physical intuition to answer conceptual questions, make order-of-magnitude approximations, and recognize whether the result of a calculation makes physical sense.

SLO #6 (Experimentation):  Demonstrate proficiency in the observation, analysis, and interpretation of experimental data, including the role that uncertainty plays in interpreting experimental results.

SLO #7 (Conduct Independent Research):  Design, construct, and carry out an experimental, computational, or theoretical research project and report on the results through both written and oral communication.

SLO #8 (Participate in Research Experiences):  Participate in significant research or internship experience.

SLO #9 (Demonstration of Physics to Others):  Demonstrate the ability to communicate the concepts and principles of physics and engineering to a wider audience with precision and clarity.