Health and Human Performance

Division III Chair: N. Mecham


Department Chair: A. Mortara


Faculty: N. Cahill, M. Dalessio, R. Lakhan, K. Leyshon, A. Mortara, S. Phelps, T, Slaughter, M. Srsic, M. Thornton, S. Williams, and S. Woodie




Course Sequencing Table: Health and Human Performance


Courses: HHP CoursesHLT Courses


Entrance to the Major Information: Progression for HLT B.A.; Progression for HHP B.A.; Progression for HHP Education B.A. with P-12 Certification


Major/Minor Requirements:  Health and Human Performance B.A.Health and Human Performance Education B.A. with P-12 Certification; Health Studies B.A.; Dance MinorHealth Studies Minor

The mission of the Health and Human Performance Department is to encourage, inspire, and empower students, through knowledge and experience, to actively pursue growth and development in all dimensions of wellness. The department teaches all students through the General Education curriculum and prepares majors in Health and Human Performance, Health Studies; and minors in Health Studies and Dance.

The goals of the Health and Human Performance Department are:

  1. To guide and mentor students toward independence and personal responsibility for healthy and active lifetime habits.
  2. To prepare majors to impact the future health and human performance needs of individuals and communities through leadership and service to learners of all ages in many settings, particularly in the Appalachian region.
  3. To create opportunities to apply skills and knowledge through hands-on experiences in Health and Human Performance majors courses.
  4. To lay a foundation for continued growth and development toward self-actualization and a sense of purpose for one’s life.
  5. To provide opportunities for the pursuit of excellence in performance in athletics and dance.

The Health and Human Performance Major provides a broad and solid foundation for pursuit of a variety of professions, such as fitness specialist, physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, teaching, wellness promotion, recreation leadership, personal trainer, biomechanist, researcher and sports management. The department promotes in the Health and Human Performance student the desire to fully develop the ability to constructively use all of the potential capacities for movement analysis and movement education. Training and experiences are provided that will enhance the student’s skills and knowledge in exercise science, communication, creative self-expression, critical reflection, research, and leadership in the classroom and activity settings.

The Health and Human Performance major requires the student to complete a series of core courses in addition to electives chosen in consultation with an academic adviser. The Health and Human Performance: Teaching P-12 has an established curriculum leading to teaching certification. Students interested in the Health and Human Performance major, the Health Studies major or the Health and Human Performance: Teaching P-12 major should contact a department faculty member as early as possible in their college career to explore areas of concentration.

The Department also offers minor programs in Dance and Health Studies. Certain classes offer the opportunity for applying for certifications such as: Kentucky Teacher Certification in Physical Education and Health; First Aid; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED); First Aid and CPR Instructor; Water Safety Instructor; Lifeguard; Scuba; Coaching; Personal Trainer; and Dance (Kentucky Department of Education Permission as an Arts and Humanities teacher).

 Health and Human Performance majors will be able to demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities for the following:

  1. Assess fitness, prescribe exercise, develop appropriate programs, demonstrate exercise science knowledge
  2. Understand the importance of integrating all dimensions of wellness into healthy behaviors
  3. Analyze movement
  4. Identify cultural, social, psychological, and historical impacts on profession
  5. Understand and apply principles of motor learning (how people learn movement)
  6. Generate activities (skill progressions) that are developmentally appropriate and safe
  7. Interpret research relevant to the field
  8. Demonstrate quantitative competency relevant to our field
  9. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in ways relevant to the field
  10. Develop confidence in working with diverse populations
  11. Develop skills in leadership and professional networking

In addition to supporting students' achievement of the Aims of General Education, the Health & Human Performance Department seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated learning outcomes:

Health and Human Performance Student Learning Outcomes  

SLO #1 (Research): To identify research components and modes within the disciplines related to HHP.


SLO #2 (Framework):  To demonstrate knowledge of current concepts, theories, and models/frameworks used in Health and Human Performance. 


SLO #3 (Health Promotion):  Assess health status and plan, implement, and evaluate health promotion programming and interventions that motivate and facilitate behavior change for populations of diverse individuals, groups, and communities. 


SLO #4 (Kinesiology): To apply foundational knowledge of mechanical and physiological principles to the human body. 


SLO #5 (Pedagogy): To plan, implement, and evaluate the delivery of health and human performance content based on state and national standards. 


Health and Human Performance Course Sequencing Table