Catalog (2024-2025)
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APS - Appalachian Studies
ARH - Art History
ART - Art
AST - Asian Studies
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CFS - Child and Family Studies
CHI - Chinese
CHM - Chemistry
CLS - Classical Studies
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ENG - English
FRN - French
GEO - Geology
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GRK - Greek
GST - General Studies
GSTR - General Studies Required
HEB - Hebrew
HHP - Health and Human Performance
HIS - History
HLT - Health
JPN - Japanese
LAT - Latin
LES - Law Ethics and Society
MAT - Math
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SOC - Sociology
SPN - Spanish
THR - Theatre
WELL - Wellness
WGS-Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
UGR - Undergrad Research Creative Pr
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Catalog (2024-2025)
Course Descriptions
> WELL - Wellness
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WELL - Wellness
WELL 101 Principles of Wellness I
WELL 102 Principles of Wellness II
WELL 150 Principles of Wellness
WELL 200 Survival Swimming
WELL 201 Jog Your First 10k
WELL 202 Ultimate Frisbee
WELL 203 Individualized Phys Education
WELL 204 Yoga (AST)
WELL 205 Tai Chi (AST)
WELL 206P Middle Eastern Dance Ensemble
WELL 206Y Artists in Modern Motion
WELL 206Z Country Dancers
WELL 207 Track & Field
WELL 209 Adv Begin & Intermediate Swim
WELL 210 Pilates
WELL 211 Self Defense and Martial Arts
WELL 213 Golf
WELL 214 Badminton - Tennis
WELL 215 Aerobic Dance
WELL 216 B.A.M.
WELL 217 Walking for Fitness
WELL 218 Weight Training
WELL 220 Stress Management
WELL 221 Weight Management
WELL 222 Water Fitness
WELL 223 Outdoor Adventure Activities
WELL 224 Modern Dance I
WELL 226 Racquetball
WELL 227 Movement for the Stage
WELL 228 Social and Folk Dance
WELL 229 Beginning Jazz Dance
WELL 230 Beginning Ballet
WELL 231 Self Defense & Martial Arts II
WELL 233 Dance in Healing & Therapy
WELL 235 Middle Eastern Dance & Culture
WELL 236 Volleyball & Recreation Games
WELL 237 Hiking & Campcraft
WELL 238 Fencing
WELL 242 Scuba
WELL 259 Ballroom Dance