The Student Life Council (SLC)

The Student Life Council develops policy with respect to rules for student conduct, and policy for nonacademic aspects of campus life affecting students. SLC reviews policy regarding residence hall matters, campus activities, and student publications. The Student Life Council also monitors current policies and practices in student services areas such as Counseling, Health Services, and, upon request, advises administrators responsible for those services.

The Student Life Council has original jurisdiction in cases involving weapons, and in cases deemed by the President or his designate as being of an emergency nature. Hearings require the presence of at least three Council members: two faculty/staff and one student. Concurrence of a majority of the members present is necessary in order to reach a decision.

The Student Life Council also serves as an appellate board for nonacademic cases of alleged student misconduct, hearing student appeals of procedural or substantive matters involved in prior hearings of misconduct cases. As such, the Council may hear appeals of decisions involving students from the Campus Conduct Hearing Board. When a decision is appealed to the Council, the SLC Chair will determine whether the appeal has merit. If the appeal is judged to have merit the Council chair constitutes, from the Council membership, a hearing board consisting of two faculty/staff members and one student. In appellate hearings, the Vice President for Student Life and a member of the Campus Conduct Hearing Board may be present to answer questions and give information, but will not be present during deliberations or decisions. As an appellate board the Council may refuse to hear appeals if there are insufficient grounds for the appeal.

Membership of the Student Life Council totals seven, including the Vice President for Student Life; four elected members of the General Assembly, two and only two of whom are also members of the College Faculty Assembly; and two students, one of whom is the Student Government Association President or another elected officer designated by the SGA President.  The elected members of the Student Life Council and the student members should represent the gender diversity of the campus. The four elected faculty members serve three-year terms. The Council chairperson is selected from the elected faculty by the Council members.

Campus Conduct Hearing Board

(For the description of this Hearing Board, see the section on Additional Standing Committees and Other Responsibilities.)